Dec 02

ColorXML is a simple QuickLook plugin which enables to display XML files with indentation and XML syntax coloring.


3 Responses to “XML: ColorXML”

  1. Thierry Lévèque Says:

    Nice plugin!!

    Only one thing missing…. formating. Like the “–format” param of xmllint. I have many xml files that are all on one long line…..

  2. Juergen Venne Says:

    Unfortunatly this Plugin crashes all the time. Using 10.5.4 Intel iMac.
    I use QLColorCode instead. It supports XML as well.

    Kind Regards
    Juergen Venne

  3. OS X Leopard: Extending Quick Look to support XML « Brian Oliver Says:

    […] As usual Apple has done a great job of making Quick Look pluggable.  I was pleasantly surprised to find a Quick Look plugin site (called QuickLook Plugins) that has a bunch of useful extensions, including one for XML. […]