Jul 21

ImageFolderQLGenerator is an open-source QuickLook plug-in that creates thumbnails and previews for folders that contain image files. The thumbnails and previews it generates look like the normal folder icons, only with small thumbnails of some of the contained images overlaid on top.
More information and download at ImageFolderQLGenerator developer’s website.
Jul 16

QLFits 2.0
Preview FITS header+images/spectra directly inside the Finder!
Released: 2009-07-16
QLFits allows you to see FITS files right into your Finder, without opening the file! It automatically generates on-the-fly a colorized header, with images and/or spectra below! It even supports multi-extension fits files. Even better, it detects ESO keywords, and build automatic links to the proposal abstract, the file summary, and even the weather conditions!
• Colorized header.
• Quick summary + Full header
• Automatic detection of ESO keywords
• Links to ESO archive seeing/prog id pages (when possible)
• Support for multi-extensiom FITS files!
• On-the-fly preview of 2D images!
• On-the-fly preview of 1D spectra!
• For 2D images: On-the-fly thumbnail of 1st extension that contains data
• For 1D spectra: On-the-fly thumbnail of the spectrum
• Display of the value of the “OBJECT” header keyword, with large fonts.
Notes: images pixels are scaled linearly (it produces in general better results than linear or logarithmic-zscaling). If no data are present in the FITS, only the header is shown.
Thanks, Cédric!
Jul 07
This Quick Look genÂerÂaÂtor disÂplays the conÂtents of a metainfo “.torrent” file.  Useful if you ever have to sort through torÂrent files that are named by 10 year old chilÂdren, but donÂ’t feel like firing up your client just to see whatÂ’s in it.
More information can be found on the developer’s site.
Download qltorrent-1.0.dmg here.
Thanks, “Crankie”.
Jul 06

This plugin allows iPhone/iPod touch application packages (IPA files) to be previewed in the Finder and other applications.
Please check out the project page : http://code.google.com/p/quicklook-ipa/
The direct download link is : http://quicklook-ipa.googlecode.com/files/IPA%20Quick%20Look%20Plugin.dmg
Thanks, Julien!